Thank you for your estimate request

Thank you


Thank you for your Estimate Request. We will respond to your request shortly and follow up with a telephone call.

Have any questions? We’d love to discuss your event!

Green phoneClick to request a callback

What to expect next…

1. We’ll send you an automated email response
Your email response will be sent to your inbox and will be confirmation that we have received your Estimate Request.

2. We’ll send you an Estimate email
We respond to your Estimate Request with an estimate email to confirm date, time and fees. Please look in your spam folder for this email if you don’t see it in your inbox. Your estimate will look like this:

JoJoFun estimate example

3. Booking
If you are happy to proceed and want to make a BOOKING, simply ‘Accept’ the estimate and proceed to our online booking form so we can get the party started! :o)

4. Pay Now Request(s)
We will prompt you for payment by sending you an invoice. This payment is required to SECURE your booking!


Please add to your contacts list. Our emails may be caught by your spam filter, especially if you are using Gmail. Please add to your contacts list ASAP so that we can provide you with our quote. If you are unsure how to do this, consult your email provider’s FAQ.